Friday, December 26, 2014

Trying an Experiment with Simha

Found an interesting resource for mead making here, and as I was browsing the site, I came across a recipe for something called Simha. Never heard of it before, but the recipie was the definition of simple, so I figured even though it's not a mead, what the heck.

So tonight, I washed one of my gallon jugs and boiled the ingredients together. I've got it cooling down now so I can add the yeast when it's ready and let it ferment in the jug. No idea what I'm getting myself into, but I should know within a few days. I guess this is one that needs to be drank young. I like the notes on the recipe page: when it smells like vomit, set it aside for 6 months and you'll have something very dry and tasty. So it's either drink it quick or in it for the long haul.

The recipe is located here.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Catching Up

It's been a while since I've posted on here, but I have been posting my drinking adventures via the Uptappd app. I'm liking the social aspect of the app, but I don't want to neglect this blog either, so this post is a catch-up to get everything back up to speed. I'll try to do this more often so they aren't as long in the future...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Orange Shandy

Had the most interesting beer last night. It was an Orange Shandy from Leinenkugel. I've had several fruit beers over the years, but this one was the most interesting for sure. It was a good orange flavor that tasted very much like a glass of orange juice, just not as sweet. I kept expecting to get a bit of pulp!

Underneath the orange was a good beer. Its officially described as a wheat, but I had it pinned for more of a wit at first. Yummy nonetheless.

Is this one I would seek again, probably not. But it did put me in the mood for hash browns and sausage...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hercules Double IPA

Hercules Double IPA from Great Divide was the brew-of-the-night last night. This was a great IPA with good, strong hops and very little bitter bite. Smelled and tasted nice and piney.

Once the beer warmed, however, the hops began to overpower everything else and overloaded the senses a bit. It didn't push it too far and it was still enjoyable though.


Monday, April 14, 2014

90 Shilling

Its crazy to think I haven't posted anything since last October! Sheesh! Time to get back on the bandwagon and back to drinking. Wait... that didn't sound right.

Anyways, the other night I had a 90 Shilling beer from Odell Brewing. I'll be honest, the only reason I grabbed this one when I built my last 6 pack was because it was the cheapest beer on the shelf. I had no idea what to expect and didn't really have high expectations. Fortunately I was pleasantly surprised.

I didn't realize it when I opened it up that it was a scotch ale. After I listed my tweet-sided review via the Untappd app, it came up as that which explained a few things. Fortunately, this is one of the best beers of that style I've had. Normally, in my opinion, a scotch ale tastes too boozy. Thinking back, this one had the flavor, but without the off-putting burn/taste.

90 Shilling smelled a bit fruity when I poured it and it's head frothed up nice and thick. When I got into it, it had a very nice malty flavor with just the right blend of hops. Definitely smooth and very easy / pleasant to drink. This is one I wouldn't mind picking up again.