Monday, April 23, 2012

Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale

Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale
At the end of my last blog, I said I was going to pick up a 4-Pack of Tank 7 to try a highly recommended brew and hope for a good comeback after the last disappointing 6-Pack. Well, I did not get a 4-Pack as I originally stated. Instead, I found a single 750mL Smokestack Bottle and picked it up for a taste that was simply wonderful.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Custom 6-Pack - Widmer Brothers, New Belgium, Magic Hat and more

Another week, another 6-pack. Well, more like a 5-pack considering the 6th bottle was O'Fallon's Black Hemp which I talked about last time. I enjoyed it enough to pick up another bottle in place of something new. So that left me with 5 new beers to sample; 4 Domestic and 1 International.

The 5-Pack Lineup

Monday, April 9, 2012

Custom 6-Pack - Hoegaarden, O'Fallon and more

I finally visited our local Macadoodles for the first time to check out their beer selection and I must say I was impressed. They had a very big selection of Craft Beers from around the world (as well as a huge selection of wines). But what was even better to me was the fact that they had a "build your own" 6 pack. So, I spent some time looking over what they had and selected 6 beers I hadn't tried before.

The Lineup of beers.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mother's Brewing Company

Every journey has it's beginnings. For me, that was with the Mother's Brewing Company in Springfield, Missouri.

My Brother-In-Law had invited me to take a tour of a new brewery that had just opened up in Downtown Springfield and it sounded like fun. I enjoyed a good beer every now and again. What I didn't realize was just how eye opening of an experience it was going to be. Before visiting the brewery, I had never experienced the fullness of what a beer could actually be.

That was almost a year ago now. Hard to believe. Mother's hold a special place in my heart, and my fridge, since they are the brewery who pulled me in. It's hard to put a finger on which of their selections is my favorite as they are all so unique and different.