Monday, September 30, 2013

Mead Batch #2

This post is quite a bit past due, but I have my second batch of mead working away, aiming for it to be ready for Christmas. This batch was actually started on July 31, 2013...

I followed the same steps I did in my first batch, so I'll skip that dialog of the process. With the first batch, I added spices to create flavor. This time, I opted for something better. I used fresh blackberries and cherries!

All the ingredients ready to go.
I used Clover Honey this time (first batch was "wildflower") and the finest fruit Walmart had to offer.

Happy must (and a curious "helper" who wanted to taste the fruit)

Fruit is loaded and ready to go. Those cherries took a while to prepare...

And they're off to a good start.
Even though I poured out about half a gallon of water off the containers, I still had a lot of must left over. Fortunately, I still had the honey container, so I now have the 2 berry batches and one more that's plain. That plain one bubbled madly with all the extra honey for the yeast to feast on!

It's been almost 2 months and all the fermenting has stopped for the most part. I pulled the balloons off the two berry containers and tasted a sample of each before putting their lids back on (I was smart and saved them this time!). These two are turning out much better than the first batch already. They didn't taste like nail polish!

Next step will be to rack them into glass jars. I have two gallon sized jugs ready, they just need to be sanitized. I also need to get a hose to siphon the mead into the jugs. I'm not sure what to do with the plain mead. I might see if there is extra space in the jugs and add the plain into them.

I'm excited to see how these turn out with a few more months of maturing!