Found an interesting resource for mead making here, and as I was browsing the site, I came across a recipe for something called Simha. Never heard of it before, but the recipie was the definition of simple, so I figured even though it's not a mead, what the heck.
So tonight, I washed one of my gallon jugs and boiled the ingredients together. I've got it cooling down now so I can add the yeast when it's ready and let it ferment in the jug. No idea what I'm getting myself into, but I should know within a few days. I guess this is one that needs to be drank young. I like the notes on the recipe page: when it smells like vomit, set it aside for 6 months and you'll have something very dry and tasty. So it's either drink it quick or in it for the long haul.
The recipe is located here.
Wish me luck!