Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Custom 6-Pack - Warsteiner, Mothers, O'Fallon, Southern Tier

The first 4 bottles.
We've been in the process of moving back to our rebuilt house just shy of the 1 year anniversary of the May 22, 2011 Tornado, so things have been a little hectic to say the least. This is a "part 1 of 2" post for the first few bottles I had from my most recent custom 6-pack. As of right now, it's been almost two weeks since I've drank these, so my memory of them isn't the best. In fact, if I hadn't taken a photo of the bottles, I wouldn't even remember what they were... But lets try do get these taken care of and I'll go over the rest of them, including my second dumped bottle, soon.

Lets kick things off with Southern Tier's Hop Sun. This was a nice beer with a good hop taste that wasn't in your face. A great refreshing wheat beer. I enjoyed this one.

Next was O'Fallon's 5 Day IPA. This was very good. Light with a good fruity taste.

Mother's Sandy Wheat was excellent. Great wheat beer with a well balanced hops flavor added in.

And finally, Warsteiner's Dunkel. It was...um... It tasted like....um... I think it was dark? This was the very first bottle I opened and, quite frankly, I don't remember it. Guess it didn't make too big of an impression...

A lot of very short blurbs about them, but I honestly can't remember all the details. Moving has taken a lot out of me over the past week or so...

During the move, we ate out several times and I had a few beers in the process. One was at Cheddar's which was Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale. This was great and I really enjoyed it. A simple beer without a lot of depth or layers to the flavor, yet refreshingly cool and went down easy.

Another was at Big R's, an excellent local BBQ Restaurant, which was a Boulevard beer. I'm not sure whether it was their Pale Ale or their American Wheat. All I saw was the Boulevard handle on tap and I said I wanted that. :) Regardless, it was great beer. Cloudy and a little sweat, which makes me think it was their wheat.

But that's about all for now. I have several more to write about including one that overloaded my tongue with hops, one that got dumped and a bitter-in-a-good-way one from China. All that and more coming next time.

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