Friday, May 18, 2012

2 Big Boys - Great Divide and Deschutes

While moving back into the house, my brother-in-law and I stopped by Macadoodles while picking up lunch and grabbed a few smokestack bottles to split. We only got the chance to open one of them that day and I had the other sometime later, but both of these beers were excellent and hit the spot.

The beer we opened that day was Fresh Hop Pale Ale from Great Divide. Light in color, crisp smell and powerful in hops taste. There was so much hops, it was an all-out assault on the taste buds. For me, that's becoming a good thing as my tastes are changing and I am finding myself looking for the hoppy flavor more and more. I guess that's why I enjoyed this beer so much. To steal a phrase, it's like eating fresh cut grass. Key word there is fresh as it was just that. Thoroughly enjoyed this one and must have it again. Price for the bottle wasn't that bad either at around $6.

The beer I had later on was Black Butte Porter from Deschutes. This beer is dark; black as the name says. The smell was strong with dark roasted malt and caramel. After the first sip, I wasn't too sure I was going to actually enjoy it, but by the second or third the flavor changed into a much richer experience. I wound up enjoying the beer and I can see a potential for cooking with this brew. The dark, richness could add a lot of flavor to a meal. In fact, while looking up the link to Deschutes' website, I stumbled upon a Lentil Soup recipe that uses Black Butte Porter. You can find it here and try it out. If anyone does, let me know what you think and maybe I'll try it too...

That's it for now. I have more beer in the fridge and pantry to keep me busy for a while thanks to my Birthday Gift but before I can write about them, I'll have to keep scraping my brains off the ceiling. I thought the Fresh Hop had a lot of hops, well, I had one so incredibly more hoppy that it felt like the back of my head exploded! But I'll save that for next time.

Happy drinking!

(Footnote: No, I'm not a zombie. My brains are still in my head and that was only a figure of speech...)


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